Tibiri Energy Group, LLC (“Tibiri Energy”) is headquartered in Middletown, Delaware, and has been in business since 2014. Experienced and licensed engineers, economists, management, and technology professionals founded Tibiri Energy to serve customers of utilities, governments, and industries. They combine engineering best practices, techniques, cutting-edge technologies, and proven scientific theories to perform research and studies to solve pressing issues of our clients. Tibiri Energy also performs cost-benefit analyses of projects and programs to guide decision-makers, regulators, and executives take sustainable socio-economic development decisions.
TEG is a certified minority business enterprise (MBE) in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, NYNJ Port Authority, New York City and Baltimore City.
An increasing number of industries are seeking to use energy more efficiently due to market pressure, public awareness of environmental sustainability, and rising energy costs and volatility. Energy efficiency (EE) is potentially one of the most important and cost-effective means by which organizations and individuals can mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions for sustainable development. Please contact us today for details!
Asking a right question finds a right procurement strategy for your business. There are several power procurement mechanisms including Fixed Price, Flexible Index, and Index Plus Block procurements. We help you navigate through these procurement mechanisms and give you the right product for your business. Please contact us today for details!
“An energy efficiency project provides energy savings; comfort, health, and safety enhancements for building occupants; productivity enhancements for businesses; and reduced system costs for electric utilities.”
“Customers with access to renewable and distributed energy resources (DER) can expect to pay less for their electricity services as they sell power back to the grid or are compensated for allowing their storage systems to help stabilize the grid, especially during peak periods.”
Over half of the fortune 100. No enterprise challenge is too big or complicated for us.