- Generation and Transmission Interconnection Studies (conventional fossil fuels, hydroelectric barrage, solar and wind generators, energy storage, and hybrid systems) and Engineering for the projects
- Transmission and Distribution Planning and Expansion Studies and Engineering for short and long terms project development to maintain the reliability of the system.
- Grid Modernization, Protection, Optimization, Performance and Operation Planning for transmission and distribution systems
- Environmental Impact and Engineering Studies for Electric, Water, and Telecommunication Projects
- Technical Assistance (TA) for energy and water policy designs, analysis, strategies, restructuration, rates/Tariff designs, implementations, and evaluations, and laws and jurisdictional text developments for energy, water, and environment sectors
- Representation of our clients at FERC, PJM, NYISO, MISO, and NE-ISO’s system planning, market implementation, and operation committee meetings to support designs of the wholesale market policies and rules
- Integrated Resource Planning Studies – Transmission and planning studies
- Benefit-Cost Analyses and Cost-effectiveness Analysis for Projects
- Assistance for the development of infrastructure of water, telecommunication and Information Technology
- Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) and Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V)
- Energy Management and Demand Response Programs/Demand Side Management
- Assistance for the Wholesale Power and Retail Electricity Procurements (Power Purchase Agreements – PPA)
- Project Management, Program Management, Control and Evaluation and Construction Management, EPC Assistance
- Assistance for the Governance, Capacity Building, Developments, and Training Programs for institutions, employees, customers and stakeholders for the energy, water, environmental, telecommunication and information technology sectors